Assembly Methods

rodoverken montagemetoder skruvmetoden


Spiral Method

With this method, we construct the tank from ground level or a low height, providing a safer working environment and reducing the risk of disruptions. Fixed workstations ensure high quality throughout the entire process, regardless of weather conditions. It is an efficient and flexible method that ensures both time and quality in the delivery.

  • Safe working environment from ground level
  • Independent of weather conditions
  • Unique method developed by Rodoverken


Hydraulic Jack

Here, the tank’s roof is built first, which is then lifted gradually while the shell courses are installed and welded. This method provides stability and safety by allowing the work to be done in stages, making it easy to adapt and control each step.

  • Stable and controlled process
  • Efficient step-by-step assembly
  • High precision and safety
rodoverken montagemetod hydraulikdomkraft
rodoverken montagemetoder eldomkraft


Electric Power Jack

This method is used for stainless steel tanks and is based on the same principle as the hydraulic jack. The upper part of the tank is gradually lifted, and the shell courses are installed from below. The tank is rotated for precise vertical and horizontal welding, ensuring smooth and accurate assembly.

  • Optimal for stainless steel tanks
  • Exact horizontal welding
  • Safe and controlled assembly

Reference Projects


Västvatten AB – Drinking Water Reservoir Simmersröd

Rodoverken, commissioned by Västvatten AB, has carried out an extensive project in four phases, constructing four new drinking water reservoirs to ensure the water supply in Uddevalla Municipality. The fourth reservoir, located in Simmersröd, Ljungskile, has a shell height of 6 meters and a diameter of 18 meters.


Tekniska verken i Linköping AB – Fossil-Free Energy Production for Linköping

In Linköping, Rodoverken has built a hot water accumulator with a volume of 34,200 m³, which aims to help the city become carbon neutral by 2025. Despite challenges with material availability and delivery times, the project stayed on schedule thanks to careful planning and experienced staff. 


Västvatten AB – Drinking Water Reservoir Brattåsberget

Rodoverken, commissioned by Västvatten AB, has carried out an extensive project in four phases, constructing four new drinking water reservoirs to ensure the water supply in Uddevalla Municipality. The third reservoir, located on Brattåsberget, Uddevalla, has a shell height of 7 meters and a diameter of 25 meters.


Luleå Energi AB – Resource-Efficient System with Energy Recovery at Multiple Levels 

The accumulator tank built for Luleå Energi has a volume of 32,000 m³ and serves as an energy storage unit for the city, contributing to a more efficient district heating system in Luleå.


Västvatten AB – Drinking Water Reservoir Åh

Rodoverken, commissioned by Västvatten AB, has carried out an extensive project in four phases, constructing four new drinking water reservoirs to ensure the water supply in Uddevalla Municipality. The second reservoir, located in Åh, Ljungskile, has a shell height of 10 meters and a diameter of 18 meters.


Västvatten AB – Drinking Water Reservoir Timanstorpet

Rodoverken, commissioned by Västvatten AB, has carried out an extensive project in four phases, constructing four new drinking water reservoirs to ensure the water supply in Uddevalla Municipality. The first reservoir, located at Timanstorpet, Uddevalla, has a shell height of 7 meters and a diameter of 25 meters.

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